The beginning...
So good news and bad news: Rachel is back from London, and Shannon left yesterday for a week at home before she comes back to Northfield for the summer. This is not such bad news for me, because I'm going to see Shannon all summer anyway. But having all the happy reunions with Rachel, and seeing all the sad goodbyes to Shannon, and trying not to keep a mental tally of how many people I'm going to have to let go of temporarily-for-a-long-time, has inspired me to start this thing: both as some kind of record of the adventures I (hopefully) have over the next six months of being on two different sides of the globe, and also as some kind of a way for people to keep in touch with each other. Especially if I do a better job than certain other people with blogs.
But anyhow, there are still two and a half more days until everyone leaves, and I should go out and make the most of them rather than sitting and writing about how much I'm going to miss people who haven't even left yet!
Maybe there will be a terrorist threat at the airport and no one will be able to leave.
No, I definitely should not joke about things like that.
Except Northfield would totally be a 24-hour party.
I miss everyone!! And no, I was NOT gloating to myself yesterday when I got to see X-men 3 in the theater while I knew all my friends were taking finals. REALLY!!
: ( Leaving = sadness
but off campus will be quite sweet, I have no doubt. And I shall be up to visit you this summer if I have walk (which I hope doesn't happen)
Hooray for Blogs!
Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.
Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.
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