Sunday, June 18, 2006

Aikido, the ER, and a Long Day of Nothing

I'm taking a break from my incredibly difficult evening of "Sex and the City," so I thought I would write a little bloglet about my weekend.

Saturday was very eventful, as Wade and Liz, two aikido alums from Ann Arbor, were in for Alumni Weekend, and a couple of alums also came down from the Kobukan (dojo in Minneapolis) to train for a couple of hours. So we had a very awesome class where some burning questions from the spring were answered in under five minutes, which was one of those satisfying moments of "oh, so that's how it works!" And I finally learned to do a proper fourth control, which means nothing to most of you, but basically it's a tricky (but useful) way to get your partner to do what you want, involving a pressure point in the arm. It was also nice to have a real class, which won't be happening for a while unless we make it up to the Cities.

Then we had an adventure in which Wade was playing frisbee in sunglasses with a lens that popped out and cut his eyebrow open. It was very bloody but not super-serious, but Liz and Rachel Voorhies and I still took a nice long trip with Wade to the ER to make sure he didn't need stitches. And lemme tell you, the Northfield Hospital is a friggin' hotel. There's a sculpture in the lobby and a gift shop and elevator music and nice carpets and things. Not a bad place to be, if you're going to be in a hospital.

So after all that busy-ness, I've been taking it easy today. Got a free brunch at Dacie Moses, and Felix made lots of stew so I haven't even had to cook (if by "cook" you mean "heat up Campbell's soup"). And I've been doing a lot of really boring work on this Taoism book, which will look very nice in the end, but transcribing hours and hours of lecture is not my idea of a roaring good time.

Also I have decided that no matter which way you cut it, this summer is going to be weird. Carleton is very nice in the summer, but it's a different kind of nice that involves a lot of sitting around with fun people you don't really know that well, rather than having adventures with all the people you would have picked to be there. It also seems that everyone I know is waiting around for something - to start a study abroad, to see that one friend they've been missing, to hear about medical results, to get settled in a new job or house or both. So I guess I'm not the only one with a vague sense of not knowing what's going on all the time. That's kind of reassuring, I suppose, and in any case, all those things are just going to have to resolve themselves - in the meantime there's a lot of highly productive sitting around to do.

(Don't you like that neatly resolved ending? I reread this post and realized that I have gotten to know Carrie Bradshaw and co. far too well over the past couple of days...)


At 1:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey, you can always be the one who makes other people have adventures... that can be deeply satisfying as well.

In the meantime, I bet the Northfield hospital is air-conditioned, unlike my apartment right now. Boo.

At 4:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yup, after I had a sex and the city marathon (it was actually only 1 season that we watched, b/c we're not really hardcore), I kept going through life trying to come up with a lame conclusion for every mildly interesting event in my life.

At 10:56 PM, Blogger SK said...

And the sad thing is? I don't want to sound too cliché, but those lame little conclusions don't make things make any more sense.

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