Friday, July 07, 2006

Arrr, me hearties, yo ho... and all that

Last night I went with a bunch of people to the midnight showing of "Pirates 2." First of all, it was awesome. The movie runs a little bit long, but the battles are varied enough so it doesn't get repetitive. It includes such wonderful moments as a formerly-undead pirate, when asked about the one thing that troubles all men, replying, "the dichotomy between good and evil?" Keira Knightley finally stops being a total loser (it takes her a while, but by the end of the movie, I had faith that she might actually rise to cool status in Pirates 3), there are big gross undersea tentacled pirates (as if the undead crew in the last movie weren't icky enough), and last but definitely not least, the filmmakers finally acknowledge the undeniable sex appeal of a certain Capt. Jack.

I'm not going to spoil the ending, but I want to say that although 2:30 AM saw 5 theaters worth of discontented people (including what seemed like the entire high school population of the greater Lakeville area - I felt old) staggering tiredly back to their cars, I have enormous respect for the sense of humor of the people who made this movie. Because "Pirates 2" is a pirate movie of the truest kind - it gives you romance and swashbuckling and high-seas adventure, but at the last minute, it totally betrays everyone. And something about that made for a very satisfyingly unsatisfying ending.

Also Johnny Depp is in it. That could really have been my whole post right there.


At 9:58 PM, Blogger SK said...

JD?? For shame, mother, for shame.

At 8:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a great site » »


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