10 statistically improbable things about me
Saw this on another blog, thought it was a cool idea (basically, things I've done that most other people haven't). Except that my life isn't particularly extraordinary, so digging things up is very challenging. Especially when I'm cutting out all the not-safe-for-parents things I could put up here (there goes Paris...) Uh, just kidding.
1. Been on reality TV. (Un-glamorously. It's not as cool as you'd think.)
2. Was in Alaska on the longest day of the year.
3. Climbed a mountain at 2 AM while it was still light out.
4. Saw a grizzly bear in the wild (same trip as #2 & 3).
5. Had dreadlocks for 2 1/2 years.
6. Have had meaningful relationships with 4 guys of the same name - this includes the guy who spent 3 weeks putting in my dreads and the 2-year-old I babysat this summer, but those are both pretty meaningful, in their own way :)
7. Came very close to getting tear gassed by a bunch of cops on horses.
8. Biked 110 miles in a day (and didn't regret it!)
9. Been compared to Claire Danes, the White Witch (of Narnia fame), and Sonic the Hedgehog.
10. Have an irrational fear of water. (Not like the shower. Like large unknown bodies of water.)
Now I feel so prepared for the "2 Truths and a Lie" that's inevitably going to come up on the flight to China. I just need to think up some good lies about myself!
Also, this is totally off-topic, but I was in the Museum of Natural History today, and overheard a funny little piece of conversation.
SCENE: In front of the polar bear diorama.
Enter mother and 4- or 5-year-old daughter.
Mother: Look, there's the polar bear!
Daughter (points to dead seal at the bear's feet, complete with realistically blood-spattered snow): ...and there's it's baby!
Imagine explaining that to your kid.
LOL at polar bear!
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