Thursday, August 10, 2006

The Pride of the Midwest

So I just got back from a get-together with my New York friends, who were fun and pretty much the same, which is reassuring. But it was eventful for two reasons:
First, on our way out of the (very tasty) Yaffa Cafe on St. Mark's Place, we got caught in a torrential downpour and totally soaked. So the rest of the evening was spent in very cold and wet jeans.

But more entertaining, we went to see a concert of a couple of bands from Skidmore, where one of my friends goes to school. The opener was a couple of guys from Bloomington Indiana who proceeded to make me very ashamed to go to school in the Midwest. (Yeah, I know Minnesota is NOT the same as Indiana, but tell that to a bunch of girls who've never lived outside New York!) This was a white rap duo who took themselves TOTALLY seriously. They wore - and I am not making any of this up - jean jackets with the collars turned up. They rapped off their new album entitled "Enforce the Yin Yang." And one of their songs contained the following lyrics:

Shit, Grandma, these pies is fo' real;
These strawberry rhubarb fuckers best be knowin' the deal.

I kid you not.


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